DUI Text Simulator

Demonstrating The Dangers Of Dui/Text Within A Safe Environment

The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators are a great way to bring awareness of the dangers of DUI/TEXT within a safe environment.

The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators can be performed indoors or outdoors. The high-tech design and “video gaming” look attract crowds of all ages. Everyone wants to experience the DUI/TEXT simulators.

The staff of The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators explains to the participants and those watching what is happening before, during and after the simulation.

The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators are designed for a person who is drunk. When a person is drunk, they over compensate with their movements. Thus, having a negative impact on the ability to steer a car.

When a person is drunk, their reaction time slows down. Thus, when braking, a person reacts slow and press the brake too late. The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators brake system is delayed to demonstrate this crash causing factor.

Drunk drivers are on the road every hour of every day in every type of weather, driving locations and other situations that must be avoided.

The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators can simulate all these conditions including added distractions such as navigation, turn signals, road signs, pedestrians and yes, other bad drivers.

The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators demonstrate that it is NOT easy to drive a car when you are sober. Thus, driving a car when drunk is impossible.

We guarantee every single driver fails the Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulation. How can we do this? The person who participates is driving “drunk”. Therefore, the moment they get behind the wheel, impaired, they fail. And we let them know that. Making the decision NOT to drive while impaired happens BEFIORE getting into the car. The Take The Keys Tour Driving Simulators hammers the message home that you CANNOT drink then drive.


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